internal package
initialiseWhenRender() → 1
Official API call for
TablePlugin. Other plugins can reinitialise the plugin
which will reset all table counters etc next time the preRenderingHandler
is run. The preRenderingHandler is called again when a plugin uses the
Foswiki::Func::renderText method.
A plugin like CompareRevisionsAddOn uses initialiseWhenRender between the
rendering of two revisions of the same topic to avoid table numbers to
continue counting up when rendering the topic the second time.
Example of use in a plugin taking care to check for
TablePlugin being
installed and being of a version that contains this method.
Otherwise using a "mother of hacks" to get to the same result.
if ( defined &
Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initPlugin ) {
if ( defined &
Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initialiseWhenRender ) {
else {
# If
TablePlugin does not have the reinitialise API
# we use try a shameless hack instead
if ( defined $
Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initialised ) {
Foswiki::Plugins::TablePlugin::initialised = 0;
Read in plugin settings from TABLEPLUGIN_TABLEATTRIBUTES
TABLEATTRIBUTES are no longer supported (NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC).
If no settings are found, use the default settings from configure.
And if these cannot be read, use the default values defined here in this plugin.
Settings are applied by the principle of 'filling in the gaps'
addHeadStyles( $id, \@styles )
Store list of CSS lines to be written.
Shorthand debugging call.